Jika kamu nyariin kunci chord gitar untuk lagu Small Town Big Time, kamu berada di halaman yang tepat.
Kamu bisa mainin Small Town Big Time yang dinyanyiin oleh Chris Young pake gitar yang kamu suka.
Chord lagu Small Town Big Time punya ritme dan masuk dalam album Chris Young (2006).
Di website ini, kamu juga bisa dapetin chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dll.
Chord Gitar Small Town Big Time oleh Chris Young
Intro: G, Cadd9, G, D
[G]hangin’ out at the old park pool, r[Cadd9]ight after sunday school.
[G]banana boat, a rubber float, ano[D]ther summer [Cadd9]afterno[D]on.[G]
[G]bonfire at the creek tonigt, bubb[Cadd9]a bringin’ some homemade wine
[G]just enough to catch a buzz, and [D]get us c[Cadd9]ountry [D]fir[G]ed.
[G]oH my, my. that'[Cadd9]s just the way we do it.
[G]cut off levis, an[D]d kickin’ countr[Cadd9]y music.[D]
[G]miles from nowhere, there ain[Cadd9]’t no city limits.
[G]that’s where you’re gonna[Cadd9] find…us havin’ a smal[D]l town b[Cadd9]ig time.
G, Cadd9, G, D
[G]population 903, h[Cadd9]alf of them are kin to me.
[G]and those that ai’nt that no my name, [D] we’re like on big family.[Cadd9][D][G]
[G]gather at that old camp site, to [Cadd9]lie about the fish and their size.
[G]uncle carl and his old guitar, singing lo[D]uisiana [Cadd9]saturda[D]y n[G]ight.
[G]oh my, my. that'[Cadd9]s just the way we do it.
[G]cut off levis, an[D]d kickin’ countr[Cadd9]y music[D].
[G]miles from nowhere, t[Cadd9]here ain’t no city limits.
[G]that’s where you’re gonna[Cadd9] find…us havin’ a smal[D]l town b[Cadd9]ig time.
Solo: G, Cadd9, G, D, G, Cadd9, G, D
[G]oh my, my. that'[Cadd9]s just the way we do it.
[G]cut off levis, an[D]d kickin’ countr[Cadd9]y music[D].
[G]miles from nowhere, th[Cadd9]ere ain’t no city limits.
[G]that’s where you’re gonna[Cadd9] find…us havin’ a smal[D]l time b[Cadd9]ig time.
Outro: G, Cadd9, G, D, G, Cadd9, G, D, Cadd9,D,G
Jika kamu pingin belajar mainin lagunya Chris Young, termasuk chord gitar Small Town Big Time.
Kamu bisa belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, datengin guru untuk les privat bahkan bisa juga dengan cara otodidak.
Untuk dasarnya kamu bisa belajar C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Selain kunci tadi, nanti bisa dimodif dikit.
Jangan lupa selalu latihan untuk mainin gitar lagu Small Town Big Time. Awal-awal mungkin susah, semoga setelah terbiasa, nanti kamu bisa menguasai semua lagu Chris Young