Lirik dan Chord Gitar Lagu Just One Victory Oleh Todd Rundgren

Jika kamu nyariin kunci chord gitar untuk lagu Just One Victory, kamu berada di halaman yang tepat.
Kamu bisa mainin Just One Victory yang dinyanyiin oleh Todd Rundgren pake gitar yang kamu suka.

Chord lagu Just One Victory punya ritme dan masuk dalam album Other Songs.
Di website ini, kamu juga bisa dapetin chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dll.

Chord Gitar Just One Victory oleh Todd Rundgren

Written by Todd Rundgren

Tabbed by PXL

Standard Tuning

An difficult song to tab as it was apparently recorded in the key of C and has
since been performed live in the key of B. Each has their advantages, but seeing
as how this is tabbed for acsoutic guitar and it is piano based, the key of C just
works out better on the whole. To play it in B, simply move each Chord down one half step.


Intro/Bridge jazz chords are tabbed as follows:
Eb6/F – X 8 8 8 8 8
F6/G – X 10 10 10 10 10

We’ve been [Eb6/F]waiting [F6/G]so long,[C]
We’ve been [Eb6/F]waiting [F6/G]so long,[C]
we’ve been [Eb6/F]waiting [F6/G]for the sun to [C]rise and shine
[F]Shining [C]still to [Dm]give us the [G]will

Verse 1
Can you [C]hear [Cmaj7]me, the [Am]sound of my [Em]voice?
I am [F]here to [G]tell you I have [Dm]made my [C]choice
I’ve been [C]liste[Cmaj7]ning to [Am]what’s been going [Em]down
There’s just [F]too much [G]talk and gossip [Dm]going ‘[C]round

Chorus 1
You may [Bb]think that I’m a fool, but I [F]know [Em]the [Am]answ[Dm]er
[Bb]Words become a tool, any[F]one [Em]can [Am]use [Dm]them
[Bb]Take the golden rule, as the [F]best [Em]exam[Am]ple[Dm]
[F]Eyes that have [C]seen will [Dm]know what I [G]mean

Verse 2
The [C]time has [Cmaj7]come to [Am]take the bull by the [Em]horns
(Hold that line, baby hold that line
Get up boys and hit ’em one more time)
We’ve been [F]so down[G]hearted, we’ve been [Dm]so for[C]lorn
(We may be losing now but we can’t stop trying
So hold that line, baby hold that line)
We get [C]wea[Cmaj7]k and we [Am]want to give [Em]in
(Hold that line, baby hold that line
Get up boys and hit ’em one more time)
But we still [F]need each [G]other if we [Dm]want to [C]win
(We may be losing now but we can’t stop trying
So hold that line, baby hold that line)

Chorus 2
If you [Bb]don’t know what to do about a [F]world[Em] of [Am]trou[Dm]ble
[Bb]You can pull it through if you [F]need [Em]to [Am]and [Dm]if
[Bb]You believe it’s true, it will [F]sure[Em]ly [Am]happ[Dm]en
[F]Shining [C]still, to [Dm]give us the w[G]ill

We’ve been [Eb6/F]waiting [F6/G]so long,[C]
We’ve been [Eb6/F]waiting [F6/G]so long,[C]
we’ve been [Eb6/F]waiting [F6/G]for the sun to [C]rise and shine
[F]Shining [C]still to [Dm]give us the [G]will
[G]Bright as the [C]day, to [F]show us the [G]way

Verse 3
[C]Som[Cmaj7]ehow, [Am]som[Em]eday,
We need [F]just one [G]victory and we’re [Dm]on our [C]way
[C]Prayin’ for it all [Cmaj7]day and [Am]fightin’ for it all [Em]night
Give us [F]just one [G]victory, it will [Dm]be al[C]right

Chorus 3
[Bb]We may feel about to fall but we [F]go [Em]down [Am]figh[Dm]ting
[Bb]You will hear the call if you [F]on[Em]ly [Am]lis[Dm]ten
[Bb]Underneath it all we are [F]here [Em]tog[Am]eth[Dm]er
[F]Shining [C]still, to [Dm]give us the [G]will
[G]Bright as the [C]day, to [F]show us the [G]way

[C]Som[Cmaj7]ehow, [Am]som[Em]eday,
(Hold that line, baby hold that line
Get up boys and hit ’em one more time)
We need [F]just one [G]victory and we’re [Dm]on our [C]way
(We may be losing now but we can’t stop trying
So hold that line, baby hold that line)
[C]Prayin’ for it all [Cmaj7]day and [Am]fightin’ for it all [Em]night
(Hold that line, baby hold that line
Get up boys and hit ’em one more time)
Give us [F]just one [G]victory, it will [Dm]be al[C]right
(We may be losing now but we can’t stop trying
So hold that line, baby hold that line)

Jika kamu pingin belajar mainin lagunya Todd Rundgren, termasuk chord gitar Just One Victory.
Kamu bisa belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, datengin guru untuk les privat bahkan bisa juga dengan cara otodidak.
Untuk dasarnya kamu bisa belajar C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Selain kunci tadi, nanti bisa dimodif dikit.

Jangan lupa selalu latihan untuk mainin gitar lagu Just One Victory. Awal-awal mungkin susah, semoga setelah terbiasa, nanti kamu bisa menguasai semua lagu Todd Rundgren

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