Jika kamu nyariin kunci chord gitar untuk lagu Take Me From Diamond Head, kamu berada di halaman yang tepat.
Kamu bisa mainin Take Me From Diamond Head yang dinyanyiin oleh Grampall Jookabox pake gitar yang kamu suka.
Chord lagu Take Me From Diamond Head punya ritme dan masuk dalam album .
Di website ini, kamu juga bisa dapetin chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dll.
Chord Gitar Take Me From Diamond Head oleh Grampall Jookabox
By: Grampall Jookabox
Band Link: http://www.myspace.com/jookabox
He’s signed by: Asthmatic Kitty, Joyful Noise
This is a really awesome song by an awesome artist!
If you think there’s any corrections put them in the comments.
Standard Tuning
Capo 6th
[C]Vers[Em]e 1:[Am][C][G]
[C]I was tripping down my steps when they came[Em] into mind
[C]It couldn’t have happened at a more ter[Em]rible time
[G]So i visited the doctor but he [Am]told me I’m fine
[G]Even though my head’s on backwar[Am]ds and I make my parents cry
[C]I think that there’s more than just the t[Em]hings that you see and touch
[C]Ghosts are playing tricks on me while[Em] I play double dutch
[G]They really seem to like me they’re [Am]around now all the time
[G]They stole away their social skills they [Am]stole their sexual drive
[F]Take me from diamond head even t[C]hough I don’t wanna [G]go
[F]Take me from diamond head even t[C]hough I don’t wanna [G]go
Verse 3:
[C]My friends across the ocean never see[Em] things quite the same
[C]I never understand why they don’t cal[Em]l me by my name
[G]So I got myself a passport thought[Am] I gave it a try
[G]When I approached a turnstile they[Am] took me to the side
[F]Take me from diamond head even t[C]hough I don’t wanna g[G]o
[F]Take me from diamond head even t[C]hough I don’t wanna g[G]o
[C] [Em] [Am] [C] [G]
Verse 4:
[C]People that protect me do it i[Em]n a crazy way
[C]They tell me that the backyard[Em] did its thing again today
[G]It’s a terrible disaster it’s a[Am] superfluous crime
[G]It’s a horrible calamity that s[Am]omeone’s gotta die
[F]Take me from diamond head even tho[C]ugh I don’t wanna g[G]o
[F]Take me from diamond head even tho[C]ugh I don’t wanna g[G]o
Jika kamu pingin belajar mainin lagunya Grampall Jookabox, termasuk chord gitar Take Me From Diamond Head.
Kamu bisa belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, datengin guru untuk les privat bahkan bisa juga dengan cara otodidak.
Untuk dasarnya kamu bisa belajar C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Selain kunci tadi, nanti bisa dimodif dikit.
Jangan lupa selalu latihan untuk mainin gitar lagu Take Me From Diamond Head. Awal-awal mungkin susah, semoga setelah terbiasa, nanti kamu bisa menguasai semua lagu Grampall Jookabox