Lirik dan Chord Gitar Lagu Tell the Teacher Oleh Low Stars

Jika kamu nyariin kunci chord gitar untuk lagu Tell the Teacher, kamu berada di halaman yang tepat.
Kamu bisa mainin Tell the Teacher yang dinyanyiin oleh Low Stars pake gitar yang kamu suka.

Chord lagu Tell the Teacher punya ritme dan masuk dalam album .
Di website ini, kamu juga bisa dapetin chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dll.

Chord Gitar Tell the Teacher oleh Low Stars


“Tell The Teacher” by Low Stars
From the album “Low Stars”


Tabbed by: Aaron Field
Email: [email protected]

Capo on 1st fret

Chords used:

[A] [Asus4] [A/C#] [D] [E] [Bm] [Bm/A] [G] [D/C#] [A/G#] [F#m]


Intro: A – Asus4 (x2)

Verse 1:

[A] Every day I [A/C#]climb the [D]mountain
[E] Every day I drive a [A]car[Asus4][A]
[A] Every night I [A/C#]turn the [D]lights off
[E] And try to find you in the [A]stars

Pre-Chorus 1:

[D] I believed that you would [A]save me
[Bm] From this [Bm/A]suit that never [G]fits
S[D]ometimes I wanna [E]quit

Chorus 1:

[A]Tell the [D]teacher I’m [Bm]stayin’ [D]home

[A]All I [D]want is to [Bm]be a[D]lone with [A]you
In the [D]kitchen with [A]you
Nothin’s [D]missin’
[A]I just close my [D]eyes and [D/C#]things are [Bm]fine[Bm/A]
[E]Like when you were [A]mine

Midtro: A – Asus4 (x2)

Verse 2:

[A]Every day I r[A/C#]ead the pa[D]per
[E]Every day they read m[A]y mi[Asus4]nd[A]
[A]If I’m not just[A/C#] going cr[D]azy
[E]Then you’re sendin’ me a sig[A]n

Pre-Chorus 2:

[A]I [A/C#]be…..[D]lieved you would save [A]me
[Bm] And I [Bm/A]know one thing for [G]sure
If you come [D]walkin’ through the [E]door

Chorus 2:

[A]Tell the [D]teacher I’m [Bm]stayin’ [D]home
[A]All I [D]want is to [Bm]be a[D]lone with [A]you
In the [D]kitchen with [A]you
Nothin’s [D]missin’
[A]I just close my [D]eyes and [D/C#]things are [Bm]fine[Bm/A]
[E]Like when you were [A]mine


A - A/G# - F#m - E - Bm - Bm - E - E (x2)

[A]All I ever [A/G#]wanted was the [F#m]chance to be a[E]lone without the [Bm]sadest songs, [E]what went wrong?
[A]All I ever [A/G#]wanted was the [F#m]chance to be a[E]lone without the [Bm]sadest songs[E]


[D] So if you ever change your [Bm]mind
[D] I wanna do that one more [Bm]time
Tell the teacher you’ll be [A]mine

Chorus 3:

[A]Tell the [D]teacher we’re [Bm]stayin’ [D]home
[A]All I wan[D]t is to be alo[Bm]ne with [D]you
[A]Tell the [D]teacher we’re [Bm]stayin’ [D]home
[A]All I wan[D]t is to be alo[Bm]ne with [D]you
[A]In the ki[D]tchen[Bm][D]
[A]Nothin’s [D]missin'[Bm][D]
[A]Tell the [D]teacher, tell [Bm]the teac[D]her you’ll be fine
[A]Tell the [D]teacher, tell [Bm]the teac[D]her you’ll be fine
[A]Tell the [D]teacher, tell [Bm]the teac[D]her you’ll be fine

Jika kamu pingin belajar mainin lagunya Low Stars, termasuk chord gitar Tell the Teacher.
Kamu bisa belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, datengin guru untuk les privat bahkan bisa juga dengan cara otodidak.
Untuk dasarnya kamu bisa belajar C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Selain kunci tadi, nanti bisa dimodif dikit.

Jangan lupa selalu latihan untuk mainin gitar lagu Tell the Teacher. Awal-awal mungkin susah, semoga setelah terbiasa, nanti kamu bisa menguasai semua lagu Low Stars

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