Lirik dan Chord Gitar Lagu Typical Situation Oleh Dave Matthews Band

Jika kamu nyariin kunci chord gitar untuk lagu Typical Situation, kamu berada di halaman yang tepat.
Kamu bisa mainin Typical Situation yang dinyanyiin oleh Dave Matthews Band pake gitar yang kamu suka.

Chord lagu Typical Situation punya ritme dan masuk dalam album Under the Table and Dreaming (1994).
Di website ini, kamu juga bisa dapetin chord lain, seperti chord lagu jazz, chord lagu country, pop, rock, dll.

Chord Gitar Typical Situation oleh Dave Matthews Band


Dave Matthews Band
04 – Typical Situation
Under The Table And Dreaming
Tabbed By Leandro Koren
[email protected]


Intro & Verses:

[Em] [Em/C] [Em]



Verse I:
[Em]Ten fingers we have each
Em/C(or Cmaj7)
nine planets around the sun repeat
[Em]eight ball is the last if you triumphant be
[Em/C]seven oceans pummel the shores of the sea
[Em]it’s a typical situation
in the typical times[Em/C]
too many choices
( Tab from: )
Well [G]everybody’s happy
everybody’s fre[F]e
we’ll keep the big door o[Am]pen
e[C]veryone’ll come aro[D/C]und
[G]why are you different[F]
why are you that way[Am]
if y[C]ou don’t get in line
we’ll lock y[D/C]ou away

Verse II:

Six senses feeling,
five around a sense of self,
four seasons turn on and turn off.
I can see,
three corners from this corner,
two is a perfect number,
but one.


Well [G]everybody’s happy
everybody’s fre[F]e
we’ll keep the big door o[Am]pen
e[C]veryone’ll come aro[D/C]und
[G]why are you different[F]
why are you that way[Am]
if y[C]ou don’t get in line
we’ll lock y[D/C]ou away

Verse III:

it’s a typical situation
in these typical times
we can’t do thing about it


Em :0|2|2|0|0|0|
Em/C :X|3|2|0|0|0|
G :3|2|0|0|3|3|
F :1|3|3|2|1|1|
Am :X|0|2|2|1|0|
C :X|3|2|0|1|0|


Any questions mail me:
[email protected]


Jika kamu pingin belajar mainin lagunya Dave Matthews Band, termasuk chord gitar Typical Situation.
Kamu bisa belajar dengan mengikuti kursus, masuk sekolah musik, datengin guru untuk les privat bahkan bisa juga dengan cara otodidak.
Untuk dasarnya kamu bisa belajar C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. Selain kunci tadi, nanti bisa dimodif dikit.

Jangan lupa selalu latihan untuk mainin gitar lagu Typical Situation. Awal-awal mungkin susah, semoga setelah terbiasa, nanti kamu bisa menguasai semua lagu Dave Matthews Band

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