Lirik Lagu Bersoraklah Bagi Tuhan Allah Kita

Lirik Lagu Bersoraklah Bagi Tuhan Allah Kita


Indonesia is a country known for its vibrant and diverse music scene. From traditional folk songs to modern pop hits, Indonesian music has a rich cultural heritage. One song that stands out in this musical landscape is “Bersoraklah Bagi Tuhan Allah Kita.” This powerful anthem has resonated with listeners across generations, inspiring them to celebrate and praise the greatness of God.

The Lyrics:

Bersoraklah bagi Tuhan Allah kita
Sujud dan berlutut di hadapan-Nya
Kita adalah umat-Nya yang dipilih-Nya
Yang dibenarkan oleh darah Kristus Yesus

Haleluya, bersoraklah bagi Tuhan kita
Haleluya, sujud dan bersyukur kepada-Nya

Bapanya yang maha baik dan penyayang
Memberikan kasih setia tanpa batas
Kiranya mulia dan kemuliaan hanya bagi-Nya
Dia layak menerima pujian terbesar

Haleluya, bersoraklah bagi Tuhan kita
Haleluya, sujud dan bersyukur kepada-Nya

Dia berkuasa atas segala alam semesta
Menciptakan bintang-bintang di langit biru
Kemuliaan dan keagungan hanya milik-Nya
Kita bersorak dalam pujian tak putus-putus

Haleluya, bersoraklah bagi Tuhan kita 
Haleluya, sujud dan bersyukur kepada-Nya

Dia memberikan hidup yang penuh harapan
Menyingkirkan kegelapan dan membawa terang
Kita bersorak dalam syukur abadi
Bagi Tuhan Allah kita yang hebat dan suci

Haleluya, bersoraklah bagi Tuhan kita 
Haleluya, sujud dan bersyukur kepada-Nya

Verse Analysis:

1. Bersoraklah bagi Tuhan Allah kita: This line serves as a call to action, urging listeners to rejoice and shout praises for our Lord. It instills a sense of enthusiasm and devotion in the hearts of believers.

2. Sujud dan berlutut di hadapan-Nya: Here, the lyrics emphasize the act of humbling oneself before God by kneeling and prostrating in reverence. It reflects the deep respect and submission towards the Almighty.

3. Haleluya, bersoraklah bagi Tuhan kita: “Hallelujah” is a universally recognized exclamation of joy and praise. The repetition reinforces the celebration of God’s greatness and our gratitude towards Him.

4. Bapanya yang maha baik dan penyayang: This line highlights God’s attributes as a loving and compassionate father figure. It portrays His benevolence and kindness towards His creation.

5. Kiranya mulia dan kemuliaan hanya bagi-Nya: These words express that all glory and honor belong exclusively to Him. It acknowledges God’s supreme position above all else.

6. Dia berkuasa atas segala alam semesta: This verse emphasizes God’s sovereignty over the entire universe, underscoring His authority as the creator and sustainer of all things.

7. Kita bersorak dalam pujian tak putus-putus: These words encapsulate the idea of continuous and unending praise, reflecting the eternal gratitude believers have towards God.


“Bersoraklah Bagi Tuhan Allah Kita” serves as a powerful testament to the unwavering faith and adoration of Indonesian Christians. Through its lyrics, this song inspires believers to express their love and reverence for God in a joyful and exuberant manner. The beautiful melodies combined with these meaningful lyrics create an uplifting experience that resonates with listeners, reinforcing their spiritual connection with God. This anthem reminds us to celebrate God’s goodness, power, and eternal love, leaving an indelible impact on our hearts.